2024-2025 中一自行分配學位申請須知

申請日期: 2024年1月2日(星期二)-2024年1月16日(星期二)

本校辦公時間:星期一至五 (8:00-17:30),星期六 (9:00-12:00)




  1. 教育局發出之中一自行分配學位申請表(藍綠紅申請表)
  2. 學生身份證明文件副本
  3. 學生小五全年及小六上學期成績表副本
  4. 學生獲得之學業及非學業獎狀或嘉許證明副本
  5. 貼上郵票的回郵信封兩個










  • 操行等級達良好或以上者為獲得取錄的先決條件
  • 教育局成績次第佔60%
  • 小五、小六英文科學業成績表現佔10%
  • 面試表現佔30%
  • 非學術之傑出表現將獲得額外加分1-10%


  1. 每名小六學生在同一年度只可向不多於兩所津貼中學申請中一自行分配學位。否則,其獲得自行分配學位的機會將被取消。
  2. 獲正式取錄之申請者將於2024年3月27日(星期三) 接獲書面及電話通知。
  3. 歡迎家長於2023年11月18日升中資訊日後瀏覽校網上載的相關資料。若有疑問,請致電2702 6509 與本校查詢。


1. 收集個人資料的目的






Application for Secondary One Discretionary Places (2024 – 2025)

Application Period :2 – 16 January 2024

Office hours: Monday to Friday      8:00am – 5:30pm
                      Saturday                    9:00am – 12:00nn

You can obtain an application form at the reception counter at the school entrance or the school office,

Video clip of Secondary One Admission Application Procedure

Together with the following documents, all applications should be submitted in person or via the Secondary School Places Allocation (SSPA) System on or before 16 January 2024 during office hours. Late submission will not be considered.

  1. Application Form for JS1 Discretionary Places issued by the Education Bureau (DP Form)
  2. Photocopies of Identity document(s) of the applicant
  3. Photocopies of academic reports of P5 and P6
  4. Photocopies of certificates or awards of outstanding performance
  5. Two stamped and self-addressed envelopes

* Testimonials from primary schools are not required.

* All documents collected by the School relating to applicants will be kept in strict confidence throughout the application period and completely destroyed thereafter.

Notes to Applicants:

Number of Secondary One Discretionary Places:  43

Selection Criteria

 Applicants with a conduct of grade B or above will be arranged for an interview as far as possible.

Arrangement of the Interview

The interview will be held on 9 March 2024 (Saturday). Details of the interview will be given by post. If a typhoon signal No. 8 or above or a black/red rainstorm warning signal is hoisted, or the EDB announces that all schools are closed, the interview will be postponed to 16 March 2024 (Saturday) at the same scheduled time and venue. If applicants are not able to attend the interview, please inform the school in advance for rearrangement of interview time.

Admission Criteria and Weighting

  • A conduct of grade B or above of applicants is a basic requirement for admission
  • “Discretionary Places Rank Order” offered by the EDB (60%)
  • Academic performance in English in Primary 5 and 6 (10%)
  • Performance during the interview (30%)
  • Bonus marks (1–10%) will be awarded to outstanding performance in non-academic aspects


  1. According to the rules of the EDB, all Primary 6 students are allowed to apply for a discretionary place in not more than two schools in the same academic year, otherwise his/her chance of having a discretionary place will be forfeited.
  2. Successful applications for discretionary places will be notified on 27 March 2024 (Wednesday) by post and telephone.
  3. Parents are welcome to browse the relevant information posted on the school's website after the JS1 admission information day on 18 November, 2023. Should you have any questions, please contact us at  2702 6509.

Personal Information Collection Statement

1. Purpose of Personal Information Collection

All personal data collected in the application forms of the school will only be used for processing the related application.

2. Provision of Personal Information

The applicant is responsible for providing correct and up-to-date information to the school. In case of any changes to the information in the application forms, the applicant must contact the school as soon as possible.

3. Transferral of Personal Information

The school will not transfer the personal data collected to any third party, unless the individual concerned has given express consent for a change of use of data or such use is permitted by law. No one can read and disclose relevant information to others without the authorization of the principal. The school will properly keep the above information until it is destroyed after the end of the school year.