1 會名 Name
The name of the association of parents and teachers of HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School ("School") shall be "HKMLC Queen Maud Parent-Teacher Association" ("Association" thereafter).
2 會址 Address
Phase 3, Hau Tak Estate, Tseung Kwan O, N.T.
宗旨 Aims
3.1 加強家長與學校之聯繫及合作,共同促進學生在學業和身心方面的健康發展。
to strengthen the communication between parents and the School;
3.2 支援學校,協助學校達成其教育目標。
to support the School and help the School achieve its educational goal;
3.3 合力改善及增加學生之福利。
to foster a concerted effort in improving the wellbeing of students;
3.4 聯繫家長與教師,讓雙方建立良好的關係。
to promote, establish and maintain home-school cooperation and a better home-school relationship;
3.5 促進家長之間的的溝通。
to promote communication among parents;
3.6 透過家長教育,共同探討教育子女方法,讓家長得以成長。
to discuss ways of educating and nurturing students through parent education.
會員 Membership
4.1 家長會員:凡在本校就讀學生之家長或監護人,均自動成為本會家長會員。如在本校就讀學生之家長不欲作為家長會員,可向本會常務委員會提出豁免。惟每一家庭只可選一位代表作為會員。且有義務繳交會費。
Parent member: All parents or guardians of pupils presently enrolled at the school.
4.2 教師會員:現任本校教師為本會教師會員,不須繳交會費。
Teacher member: Present teaching staff of the school.
4.3 附屬會員:現任本校職員皆為本會附屬會員,不須繳交會費。
Affilated member: Present non-teaching staff members of the school.
4.4 名譽會員:凡離任校長、教師及對本會有貢獻之校友、家長及社會人士,經常務委員會會員推薦批准者,均成為名譽會員,不須繳交會費。
Honorary member: Past principals, teachers, alumni, parents and public persons who contribute to the Association and recommended by the Standing Committee.
會員權利及義務 Rights and Obligations of Members
5.1 家長會員及教師會員在周年會員大會及特別會員大會享有選舉、被選、委任、罷免、及表決權,並可審查及通過工作報告及財務報告。而名譽會員則祇享有列席權利。
Parent members and teacher members have the rights to elect, be elected, appoint, remove members, make decisions as well as audit and pass working reports and financial reports in Annual General Meetings (“AGM”) and Extraordinary General Meetings (“EGM”). Honorary members have the right to attend the General Meetings only.
5.2 家長會員及教師會員有義務出席周年會員大會及特別會員大會,並須遵守會章及會員大會或常務委員會通過之決議。
Parent members and teacher members have the obligations to attend AGM and EGM and must observe the rules of the constitution and abide by the decisions made by General Meetings or passed by the Standing Committee.
5.3 家長會員每年均須依時繳足會費。
Parent members have to pay full annual subscription fees.
5.4 各種會員皆可參與本會所提供的各項活動及享有本會所提供的各項福利。
All members can attend any kind of activities and enjoy all sorts of welfare provided by the Association.
會費 Subscription Fees
Parent-members have to pay subscription fees every year. The amount of annual subscription fee is to be discussed and determined in the AGM. Paid fees are not refundable in cases of withdrawals.
會員大會 General Assembly
7.1 會員大會由全體家長會員及教師會員組成,為本會最高權力機關。會員大會休會時,由常務委員會代行處理會務。
The General assembly consists of all parent and teacher members and is the highest authority of the Association. When the General Assembly is in recess, all matters of the Association shall be managed by the Standing Committee.
7.2 周年會員大會須於每年九月至十一月間舉行,日期由常務委員會決定。會議通告連議程須在大會舉行前十四天發出。
AGM must be held between September and November each year and the exact date is to be determined by the Standing Committee. Agendas and other particulars of the meeting will be distributed 14 days before the meeting.
7.3 周年會員大會之法定人數為會員人數的十分之一。一切動議須得一名會員動議,兩名會員和議並經與會者過半數通過方可成為議決案。
The number of legal members attending AGM is one-tenth of the total membership. All motions must be put forward by one member and adopted by another two members and passed to be a resolution by more than half of the participants of the meeting.
7.4 如周年會員大會召開時,出席者不足法定人數,則會議須延期一星期舉行。再次開會時,將以出席人數為法定人數。
Should the quorum be unmet after the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting will be called off. It shall stand adjourned to the same day at the same time one week later. The number of members present constitutes the quorum at the adjourned meeting.
7.5 所有於會員大會通過之議決案,均以不違反本會宗旨為原則。
All resolutions passed by the General Assembly shall abide by the aims of the Association.
7.6 特別會員大會可由常務委員會召開,或由符合(7.3)會員大會法定人數規定之會員,以書面形式聯署要求主席召開。主席接獲要求後,須於十五天內召開大會,而大會討論及表決之事項只限於聯署信內所列明之各項。法定人數及通知會員出席會議之方法一如週年會員大會,但會議通告連議程可於會議召開前一星期發出。
The EGM may be convened by the Executive Committee at its own initiative or at the request of a number of members of the Association reaching the quorum who shall raise such a request in written form bearing their signatures to the Chairperson. In the latter case, the Chairperson shall cause the EGM to be held within 15 days of receipt of the request. Discussions held and resolutions passed at the EGM shall be confined to those issues set out in the request. One-week notices and agendas of such meeting shall be given to members.
常務委員會之組織及職權 Organization of the Standing Committee
8.1 本會會務由常務委員會負責推行,其組織如下:
Affairs of the Association is managed by the Standing Committee and its organization is as follows:
  8.1.1 常務委員會由十三人組成,包括家長委員八人及教師委員五人。另設候補家長委員二人,遇家長委員出缺時,依會員大會選舉票數順序補上接替其工作。候補家長委員有權列席常務委員會之會議。家長委員任期兩年。
The Standing Committee shall be composed of 13 members, 8 of whom shall be parent members, 5 teacher members, and 2 co-opted parent members who shall fill vacancies through election in the General Meeting. The co-opted parent members have the right to attend meetings of the Standing Committee. The terms of office of parent-members shall be 2 years.
8.1.2 校監及校長為常務委員會之當然顧問,有權列席常務委員會之會議。
The Supervisor and the Principal are advisors of the Standing Committee and have the right to attend Standing Committee meetings.
8.1.3 教師委員由校長薦任,家長委員則在週年大會中由一名會員提名,一名會員和議,再由會員以不記名之投票方式選出。
Teacher-members shall be appointed by the Principal while parent-members shall be recommended by one member in the AGM and passed by another member and elected through secret ballots by other members.
8.2 常務委員會各項職位由委員互選產生。
All office bearers of the Standing Committee shall be derived through election among the Committee Members.
8.3 常務委員會之職位如下:
Office bearers of the Standing Committee shall be composed of the following:
  8.3.1 主席一人(由家長委員出任)
1 Chairperson, who shall be a parent-member;
8.3.2 副主席二人(由家長及教師委員各一人出任)
2 Vice-Chairpersons, one of whom shall be a parent member and the other a teacher-member;
8.3.3 司庫一人(由教師委員出任)
1 Treasurer, who shall be a teacher-member;
8.3.4 核數一人(由家長委員出任)
1 Auditor, who shall be a parent-member;
8.3.5 文書二人(由家長及教師委員各一人出任)
2 Secretaries, one of whom shall be a parent-member and the other a teacher-member;
8.3.6 活動及總務四人(其中一人須由教師委員出任)
4 Activities and General Affairs Officers, one of whom shall be a teacher-member;
8.3.7 出版二人(其中一人須由教師委員出任)
2 Publications Officers, one of whom shall be a teacher-member.
8.4 常務委員會每年最少開會三次,並須有過半數委員出席方為合法。
The Committee shall hold at least 3 meetings in an academic year with a quorum of over 50%.
8.5 各委員之任期均為兩年,連選得連任。
The term of office of all members of the Standing Committee shall be 2 years, and can be extended upon re-election.
8.6 常務委員會各職員之職權如下:
Duties of the Standing Committee include the following:
  8.6.1 主席Chairperson
● 負責執行會員大會及常務委員會之議決案。
● 負責會務之推行及文件之簽署。
● 代表家長向校方提供意見。
To call and preside in General Meetings and Standing Committee Meetings;
To carry out resolutions passed at General Meetings and by the Standing Committee;
To ensure the smooth running of the Association; and
To express and exchange views on education matters on behalf of the parent-members of the Association.
8.6.2 副主席:輔助主席推行會務。主席缺席時,由副主席(家長委員)代行其職權。由教師委員擔任之副主席須負起一般聯絡工作。
Vice-Chairperson: To assist the Chairperson in performing his/her duties. Teacher-members serving this post shall deal with all correspondence of the Association.
8.6.3 司庫:負責本會各項收支帳目,並須在周年會員大會呈報已經核數的財政報告。
Treasurer: To keep up-to-date accounts of the Association and to give financial reports in the General Meetings.
8.6.4 核數:負責審查司庫編寫之財政收支紀綠,及於審核後加簽,以資証明。
Auditor: To prepare and present audited financial statements of the Association.
8.6.5 文書:負責處理各類會議紀錄及一切文書工作,為會員大會的當然文書。
Secretary: To compile all minutes and reports and act as the honorary secretary.
8.6.6 活動及總務:負責本會各項康樂及文教活動的籌辦工作,並協助各項總務事宜。
Activities and General Officer: To organise recreational, cultural and educational activities and assist in general affairs.
8.6.7 出版:負責出版本會刊物及協助本會之宣傳工作。
Publications Officer: To take charge of matters relating to publications, and promotion of activities of the Association.
財務與債務 Finance and Liabilities
9.1 本會所收經費的用途如下:
The funds collected shall be for following uses:
9.1.1 為達成本會宗旨的支出。
Expenditures on achieving aims of the Association.
9.1.2 為本會一切經常性費用的支出。
All current expenditures for the Association.
9.2 司庫負責彙集會費,存入本會指定之銀行。支取款項時,支票須經授權的常委其中兩人簽署,方為生效。
It shall be the duty of the treasurer to collect annual subscription fees and deposit the fees in a designated bank. When withdrawing any amount of money, the cheque shall be counter-signed by the authorized standing committee members to make it valid.
9.3 所有支出均須得常務委員會核准;但每單項不超過港幣伍佰元正之支 出,得在付款後,由司庫提請常務委員會追認批准。
All expenditures must receive approval of the Standing Committee, while expenditure whose amount is less than $500 is subject to the approval of the Standing Committee, requested by the treasurer, after the payment.
9.4 本會財務支出不能超過每年經費收入。若有需要,須經周年會員大會或特別會員大會通過,方為合法。
The financial expenditure of the Association in every financial year shall not exceed the total amount of subscription fees collected in that financial year. Necessary changes shall be passed at the AGM or EGM.
9.5 本會財務支出之準則為當屆常務委員會任期屆滿時,不能有赤字結存。
The financial expenditure criteria of our Association require that at the academic year-end of the Standing Committee, there shall not be any deficit in the balance.
9.6 如遇債務或法律責任,常務委員會須負責向會員大會或特別會員大會解釋,並由全體會員承擔有關之責任。
In case of liabilities or legal obligations, the Standing Committee shall explain at the AGM or an EGM and all members shall bear the related responsibilities.
家長校董 Parent Managers
10.1 本校校董會委託本會選出家長校董。
The School Management Committee authorizes the Association to elect parent managers;
10.2 家長校董選舉由「港澳信義會慕德中學家長校董選舉規則」規定。
The election of parent managers will abide by Regulations for HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School Parent Manager Election.
解釋、修章及解散 Interpretation, Amendments to the Constitution & Dissolution of the Association
11.1 本會章之最高解釋權屬周年會員大會。在周年大會休會時,解釋權交與常務委員會。
The highest authority in the interpretation of the Constitution is the General Assembly. When the General Assembly is in recess, the authority shall be granted to the Standing Committee.
11.2 修改會章,須經出席會員大會或特別會員大會之三分二或以上會員通過。開會日期及所需修改之會章項目,須於會議前最少兩星期,由常務委員會主席以書面通知所有會員。
Any amendment to the Constitution must be approved by a two-third majority of members present at an AGM or EGM. The meeting dates and the items of the constitution to be amended must be issued/distributed by the chairman of the Standing Committee to all members at least two weeks before the meeting.
11.3 若要解散本會,須得出席會員大會或特別會員大會之三分二或以上會員通過。本會解散後,所餘資產,捐贈本校。
Should the Association be dissolved, the decision shall be taken by a two-third majority of members present at the AGM or EGM. Any remaining assets shall be donated to the school.